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Values update

Values update

I’ve written and spoken about the importance of living a values-aligned life on more occasions that I can recall, and as many of my clients know I diligently revisit and review my core values (and by extension those of the Thea Baker Wellbeing) as part of my end of year reflective practice (see previous blogs HERE and HERE).  And, just like every year for the last nine years I did that over the Christmas holidays, however a few things have prompted me over the last few months to do a bit of a reshuffle and reorganisation of my core values and I thought I might share that with you this week.

Firstly, remember that living in a values-aligned way helps us in a whole of host of ways:

  • They serve as our compass points – pointing us towards our more specific goals
  • In many ways, they are our ‘true north’ and help us know when we might need to course-correct in areas of our lives
  • Our values help us make difficult decisions – when we are unsure which way to go, or how to make a choice, when we hold the options up against our values it becomes clearer
  • Research suggests that values-linked goals are likely to be more successfully achieved that values-neutral or values-counter goals
  • Living in a values-aligned way helps us lead more rich, full and meaningful lives

Secondly, values are:

  • Flexible and context-oriented – as we grow, face new / different experiences we would expect for our values to shift and evolve (this is very much associated with why I’ve been prompted to review my values and make some changes)
  • NOT goals – they don’t have an endpoint; they can’t be achieved – they are continuous and ongoing
  • Are personal and freely-chosen – there are no “shoulds” involved with values, and it’s not about choosing values that are hypothetical or achievement oriented
  • All equal – there are no values that are ‘better’ or ‘worse’ than any others

So, as I’ve shared my values have been an evolving process for at least nine years and in that time, they have been refined, defined differently and have shifted slightly, however this last year has really prompted me to have quite the shake-up of my core values line-up!  I realised that for me, having a specific value named ‘authenticity’ didn’t really feel right because authenticity is almost a foundation upon which all of my other values are built.  Authenticity provides space for us to show up in our own unique ways.  When I am me, it allows you to show up as you.

Flowing from living authentically as my imperfectly perfect self, come my core six values of:

  • Curiosity: being endlessly curious about humans – why we are the way we are, where we are, and how we are. I will always be asking questions, without judgement and full of compassion.
  • Respect: for self, for others and of boundaries.
  • Integrity: this is the foundation of trust; acting from an honest and open position, owning my mistakes, apologising and making amends when I get it wrong.
  • Wonder: of things unseen, unknown but felt, wonder at nature, the human form and its capacity to heal.
  • Justice: recognising my privilege in this world, advocating for systemic change and seeking to break down barriers.
  • Collaboration: in recognition that humans are designed to be in relationship to others, seeking to create community with a desire to share, diversify and build connection.

We’ll be updating the website soon, and sharing some additional information around some of the events that have prompted this values review in next week’s blog.


If you’d like somewhere to talk about how to live in a more values-aligned way, please get in touch with us: / / 03 9077 8194.